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Homework Job Interview: How to Stand Out from the Crowd


And keep another thing in mind: this is a totally grey, unregulated area. While we have laws that prevent employers from asking discriminatory questions during job interviews, we have no laws in place to regulate these work assignments.

A homework assignment or an interview project is a task given to a candidate during the interview process that tests whether they have the right skills for a role. Typically these assignments take about an hour or two to complete and have a specific deadline. But they can be more detailed and take up to 5 hours or longer, depending on the role seniority or complexity.

homework job interview

Yet, interviews do have an important role to play in the hiring process. But not right in the beginning, necessarily. Shifting the interview portion further down the hiring process steps helps companies focus on quality candidates rather than the search for quality candidates. They could rather confirm the technical fit through skills assessments and then dig deeper during the second interview.

Job seekers may not often feel enthusiastic about interview assignments. And we get it. People are busy juggling so many things in their day to day that adding one more can feel overwhelming. But those who look at the bigger picture see it as an opportunity to shine.

As applicants get instant feedback via skills test results (they either pass the required score threshold and move on or stop there), recruiters and hiring managers benefit in three major ways: 1) they save hours of their time by automating CV screening; 2) they can easily identify qualified applicants who should move to the interview stage; 3) they ensure a great candidate experience with modern skills-based hiring practices.

When you are interviewing for a job, you expect to sit down with an interviewer and provide answers to their questions. But in today's corporate world, your interviewer may make a much different request.

For example, suppose you are interviewing for a marketing or sales job. In that case, the company may want you to develop a few ideas on gaining new customers or increasing sales of a particular product.

When given an interview assignment or project, you will have to meet a deadline given to you by the company. In most cases, this will range from two days to one week, depending upon the complexity of the assignment.

First, they are testing you to see if you are really as interested in the job as you claim. Most companies that use assignments as part of their interview process believe that applicants who genuinely want the job will look at this as a chance to put themselves ahead of their competitors. In other words, it will help the company find out who is or is not serious about the job and their career.

Next, the project will let the company get an up-close and personal look at how you would apply your skills to the role. Even if you have given the interviewer example after example of your work, nothing can match letting them see what you'll do once you start working with their products or services.

Finally, the interview project is a way to test your work ethic. Will you go all-in on the assignment and get it finished well ahead of your deadline? Or will you do only the bare minimum of what is needed and turn it in at the last minute?

When you are presented with an interview assignment, you'll have to use your own judgment as to what you think is a reasonable request or one where you believe the company is exploiting your talents and your time.

Completing an interview assignment will typically be more manageable if you have plenty of free time. However, if you already have a busy schedule filled with work, classes, or family responsibilities, you may think the company is asking too much.

Chances are the company is exploiting you (and other job seekers) for free labor if you are asked to complete a thorough interview project before ever meeting with the employer or having the opportunity to ask them questions about the role.

But perhaps more importantly, tackling an interview project will give you tremendous insight into what your day-to-day responsibilities would be like on the job. If you enjoy doing the assignment and do a good job on it, chances are you would also enjoy the job.

Be honest with your interviewer. If you cannot complete an interview project or do a poor job due to being rushed, you likely won't get the job. Your interviewer might afford you some flexibility by being honest and expressing your interest in the job.

However, be prepared for the interviewer to tell you all applicants must complete the same type of project. If you want the job, you'll need to adjust your schedule to finish the assignment on time. But should you feel the job is one where you can take it or leave it, you may choose to decline the project and look elsewhere for employment.

Since interview assignments or projects are typically reserved for higher-level positions within companies, you may want to consider working with a recruiter during your job search. If you do, they can act as a liaison between you and the company that is interested in your services.

If you are working with a recruiter, they can also alert you ahead of time to companies that tend to use the interview assignment as part of their hiring process. In addition, since a recruiter will know the company's hiring manager very well, they can give you insight into how you can navigate your way through potentially awkward situations, such as negotiating changes to a project request.

It can be challenging to know if an interview project is a reasonable request or simply a way for a company to get free work from as many people as possible before filling a position. Using common sense and good judgment will help you make the right decision.

Higher-level roles get hired after multiple rounds of interviews, which function as conversations with various stakeholders at a company, without being asked to do homework for an interview other than preparing.

If you ask a candidate to do an assignment before engaging them in the next step of an interview process, they might say they are happy to do it, but the truth is they will usually wait to start it until completing any other interviews they have lined up in hopes of getting a decision from another employer sooner.

There are no one-size-fits-all method in preparing for a job interview, but there are certainly sure-fire ways for you to be better equipped when you face the hiring managers and your potential employers.

5. Jot down your questions about the role and the companyAs mentioned earlier, a job interview is a conversation between you and your potential employer not an interrogation. See to it that you list any questions that would help you further understand the role and the company. Some of the questions you can ask are the following:

4. Keep your communication lines open. If you need further information about the logistics of the job interview, do not hesitate to contact your recruiter. Confirm the time and the location of the interview. If possible, be in the office early.

5. Be positive and enthusiastic. You should see to it that you face your interviewers with a positive and can-do attitude. Optimism exudes confidence, which will help you give good impression to your potential employers.

Many of us assumed that once we were done with school, we were done with homework. Gone are the days of stressing over assignments that dictate whether we fail or pass at life. We said goodbye forever. Or so we thought.

Before any interview, you should know the format. Who will be interviewing you? Will you be speaking with one interviewer or a panel? Will there be other interviewees present? Will the interview be virtual, on the phone, in person?

Acing your next job interview begins with the right professional help. For your convenience, Homework Help Canada provides both cover letter and resume writing services, as well as many more opportunities, that will help you make your transition smoothly. For more information, view our professional writing services and request a quote!

I learned afterwards that no one had actually done the homework, not even my manager. They thought up a problem and guessed the time to complete it. Could they even solve it in 3 to 5 hours like they told me was possible?

Both times I interviewed this way, I had zero experience in the language they used. I was upfront with them and received encouragement. I was able to solve the problem, while they occasionally helped me with syntax. I could explain why I was thinking of going a certain direction, mention trade-offs I was making, and google for things no one remembers how to do (like traversing a binary tree).

Pre-interview research is easier than ever to do. First, the Internet is your friend. Read the entire company website. Use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to get more of a feel for the company. LinkedIn is the most important online tool in your research arsenal, for not only can you research the company; you can learn a lot about your interviewer. Google is another important tool, especially Google News. Finally, visit company review sites like Glassdoor to learn what people have to say about the organization.

That late-1990s fairy tale rarely comes true these days. With employers in more control of the labor market, candidates feel compelled to give it their all when preparing for interviews. And that includes mounting a broad, deep search for relevant information about the position, the company, the industry and even the interviewer.

But don't stop there. Use the company site's search facility to query the names of the hiring manager and any others on your interview dance card. You may retrieve bio pages or press releases that give you insight into their most visible activities at the company.

Even bad hires can put on a good face during an interview or produce a polished resume. The best leaders find ways to see through that. In an interview with The New York Times' Adam Bryant, Badgeville CEO Kris Duggan describes a great tactic his company uses. 2ff7e9595c


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